I'd like to thank everyone who bought, supported, commented on, retweeted, facebook'd, Instagramed, SnapChated, Youtubed, Pinterested, Tumblr'd, shared, blogged and, once again, purchased Letters to Kyoto. Thank you so much! I'm happy to get in touch with all new supportive appreciators. Without you, this beautiful music endeavor cannot grow.
I would especially like to thank VSCO, 23.5 and their entire staff of phenomenal indivuals, Alan Algee and the entire Kyoto creative team, without which none of this would be possible. If you haven't seen the film, please check out Parts I & II and all of the associated content here.
I've reposted some of the tweets, comments and messages from appreciators here. Much love to all of you! If you'd like to check out Letters to Kyoto, its on Bandcamp.
I'm so happy to receive these messages. It's as if I wrote the letter and people responded. Often times, indie musicians can live in vacuum, where there is little or no feedback from fans or the rest of the universe for that matter. Much love to those in Australia and the United States, where most of my recent appreciators seem to be at the moment.
“Fantastic job on the music. Kyoto Part 1 quickly became one of my favorite short films and I watched Part 2 and it does not disappoint. The soundtrack fits perfectly with the visuals and I just wanted to let you know that you killed it.””
Communication via art has always been a bit fascinating to me. As a musician, speaking through drums, chords and melodies, it offers an extended vocabulary that can emote feelings and tell stories without the use of verbal language.
I really wanted to pay homage and respect to a place I never knew, a place I hope to know. After absorbing a plethora of knowledge and feedback from viewers, I'm even more intrigued and anxious. A trip will happen. It must.
“Thanks man! I really love your work and I think it’s kinda unappreciated, but you have a new fan. The film really struck me deep... I don’t know if it was me thinking back on my Japanese heritage or my love for VSCO and the arts, but I can’t wait until the 9th when part 2 drops.””
I would like to think of myself as a giver in world full of like minded givers and some takers. I believe in giving back and paying it forward. To show my appreciation, I'm going to send everyone a personal email and free copy of my latest release, Sensual Electronic Music.
I really hope you join me on this journey of artistic exploration and sonic inquiry. I've been making music for years and I'm just starting to release pieces now. There are hundreds of pieces in my archives. Slowly, but surely, some of it will be set free. I hope you enjoy!
Man in a Loft